Access to Notre Dame’s Material’s Characterization Facility Increases Transhield’s Fabric Testing Capabilities



In an agreement with the University of Notre Dame, Transhield now has access to the Materials Characterization Facility (MCF). The MCF is part of Notre Dame Research’s Center for Sustainable Energy (ND Energy). The MCF, located on University’s South Bend campus, “provides world-class equipment and instrumentation to support scientific advancements of new or improved sustainable energy technologies and systems, as well as the characterization and synthesis of any new materials” (

What does this mean for Transhield?

Transhield will now have increased testing capabilities for our protective cover materials. Having access to the facility will allow us to test with differential scanning analysis (DSC) – helping determine thermal transitions of polymers, including melting temperatures (Tm), glass transition temperature (Tg), and crystallization temperature (Tc). The facility also provides access to Fourier Transform-Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), which allows us to find any change in the composition of materials, and any presence of contamination. This will put Transhield in a position to analyze chemical composition of materials we may want to use in future products.  We’ll also have access to testing equipment with the potential to quantitatively measure the amount of Vapor Corrosion Inhibitors (VCI) left in our covers, after the covers are used in real applications!

This development is a huge step forward for Transhield’s mission of providing advanced protective cover technology to the market. Having access to sophisticated testing methods will lead to better product development and more robust protection-solutions for equipment manufacturers.  


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About the author

Seckin joined Transhield in 2006 after graduating from Michigan State University with a degree in packaging engineering. His work includes research and development of new material for all market segments and has been issued three national and international patents as a result of his efforts to improve Transhield technology and product diversification. He is a former chairman of the VCI Committee for NACE International. Other memberships included: Society of Plastics Engineers, Industrial Fabrics Association International (IFAI), and the American Society of Naval Engineers.

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