
Why Use a VCI Fitted Cover? U.S. Army Reserve Test

Case Study, Corrosion Prevention, Protective Covers, VCI Technology


In 2017, at the request of the United States Army Reserve G-4, a MEP-803A generator and a HMMWV-1097R1 were each protected by a Transhield XT advanced protective cover with vapor corrosion inhibitors (VCI) at an Army Reserve base in Orlando, FL. Paired coupons were employed inside and outside the cover to assess the level of protection provided to the asset. Some stand-alone coupons were also employed.

At the conclusion of the 47-day field trial, U.S. Army Reserve personnel witnessed the removal of the Transhield XT covers. Photographs of the coupons were immediately taken to record the levels of corrosion. Protection provided by the cover is quantified by calculating the area of the coupon not corroded and expressing that as a percent of the total coupon area. Photographs of the covered MEP-803A generator and a covered HMMWV-1097R1 are shown below.

Mep 803A Generator
MEP-803A generator protected by an XT cover
HMMWV-1097R1 protected by an XT Cover

Typical paired coupon post trial results highlight the dramatic corrosion prevention and the tabulated results for the generator coupons are shown below.


Transhield Coupon 2
Transhield XT 9.1.1% Protection
Transhield Coupon 1
Outside Cover 15.9% Protection


Steel CouponINSIDE


DesignationProtection %Protection %
1-Generator IN Box99.80 
2-IN Front Side91.05 
3-OUT Front Side 15.93
4-IN Left Side99.88 
5-OUT Left Side 29.41

In this test, the Transhield XT advanced protective cover provided in excess of 91% protection for all coupons. A logical conclusion is that similar protection is provided to the unpainted metal of the assets.

This means that equipment protected by a Transhield XT advanced protective cover with VCI technology requires less maintenance and fewer repair parts. The return on investment (ROI) is significant when the cover cost is considered. Life cycle costs are reduced and readiness improves. Specific examples are available upon request.

Independent Approval: In 2013, NAVSEA approved the next generation advanced protective cover with VCI technology developed by Transhield. Made from ArmorDillo® with VCI technology, these second generation covers provided a lighter, more form-fitted cover. Growing demand for covers to protect an array of different assets throughout the fleet confirms the cover’s efficacy. Should the cover be damaged, repair kits are available with accompanying procedures that enable soldiers to repair cuts, tears and other mechanical damage.

Bottom Line: Three fundamental components are required to protect assets:

  1. Covers must be made from VCI enhanced fabric.
  2. Cover design matters; covers must be form-fitting.
  3. Covers need to be installed correctly and secured properly to protect equipment.
About the author

David Sharman has partnered closely with Transhield as a strategic consultant for nearly four years. Dave comes from an engineering background, with a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering and a bachelor’s degree in Aerospace Engineering from the University of South Wales. Dave has significant technical engagement with the US Navy, Naval Sea Systems Command Technical Warrant Holders, NAVSEA 21 Readiness and Modernization Program Managers, Ship Design Managers and Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock in the use of cold to suppress stress corrosion cracking. Transhield has leveraged Dave’s Navy connections to interact with the Navy at the highest technical levels, and has been instrumental in Transhield, and the Navy, collaborating in cover research and development. Dave has authored and presented technical papers highlighting the benefits of employing Transhield advanced protective covers to prevent corrosion and reduce total asset ownership cost at Navy and international defense conferences.

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