A Healthy Office is a Happy Office



A productive, energetic company is one in which employees never feel as if they just show up, put in their time, and go home. Instead, the companies that succeed in building a team environment are those who take a vested interest in improving the lives of their workforce. While company-wide events and happy hours are certainly good ways to boost morale temporarily, offering opportunities for engaging health initiatives is one of the best long-term investments a business can make in their employees.

A healthier workforce produces a wide range of benefits for all parties involved. Not only does good physical health lead to fewer absences and a reduction in health insurance costs, but it also results in better mental health. Healthy employees have been shown to be happier than comparative groups without health initiatives in place. If you’ve ever gone running in the hour before work, you know this is true. Living an active and energetic lifestyle allows you to show the same presence and interest at work.

The belief that health and happiness go hand in hand isn’t just rhetoric; the stats back it up. For those in the workplace eating healthy and working out regularly, there’s an improvement in job performance of 25%. In addition, a healthy workforce is absent 27% less often. While high attendance is a reasonable goal, it’s just half the battle. The idea of presenteeism, or the choice by employees to put sincere effort into their work, is important as well. As the health of an office increases, it’s been shown that the productivity of the office surges, as well.

At Transhield, we believe that an investment in the physical and mental health goals of our employees is one well worth making. Our employee wellness program is designed to offer every opportunity to our colleagues to reach the level of health they desire. This includes providing gym memberships and wellness coaches, time set aside specifically for exercise, and even blood screenings and body composition analyses so that our employees can track their improvement. There are also frequent activity challenges, in which prizes are awarded to those who are truly working toward a healthier lifestyle and a happier life.

“We believe in living healthy lifestyles,” says Jim Glick, president of Transhield. “Living an active lifestyle is attainable, and Transhield is willing to help employees achieve it.”

Transhield is committed to offering our employees a workplace in which they can reach their goals, be it physically or professionally. By purposefully dedicating resources towards a wellness program, we believe our corporate environment can see innumerable, long-lasting benefits. To learn more about the Transhield story and our commitment to our employees and innovation, visit us online today!

About the author

Mindy directs, manages, and implements the marketing strategy of Transhield through a variety of methods and channels. In addition to leading Transhield’s marketing efforts, Mindy is the lead sales specialist for TopCure – Transhield's newest product; a concrete curing cover designed with safety in mind. Mindy is a member of the American Society of Concrete Contractors, the American Concrete Institute, and the Indiana Ready Mixed Concrete Association.

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